the right members of the ecosystem
together, can deliver on solutions that help
them overcome those issues while driving
real business value.” can provide businesses in South Africa and
eventually across the continent with IoT
solutions show business value and meet their
needs,” he said.
The Sigfox network already covers 83% of
South Africa and Malinga has his eyes set on
future growth through continued strategic
partnerships. “We will continue growing
our partner ecosystem to ensure that we “We ensure that we bring the right players
together to package a solution that is run
on a network with not only broad reach, but
which is underpinned by SLAs that ensure
our clients have peace of mind that the
solutions they run will support their ongoing
business growth.”
The new SqwidNet brand was developed
taking the unique characteristics of the
sqwid into consideration.
“We identified three elements of the sqwid
that are aligned with the fresh narrative we
would like to take to market,” said Chetan