ata: It’s the lifeblood of today’s
enterprise. This eGuide is aimed
at helping you consider the role
of data in your organization, and how to
best manage, secure, and protect this most
precious asset.
Why data governance?
Data governance used to be a nice-to-
have, but due to the increasing focus and
importance of data and analytics, it’s
becoming a necessity that helps to drive
data management across the enterprise.
By Nancy Couture | Enterprise Data
Management (EDM) seems to be at the top
of many organizations’ strategies for 2018,
as the importance of data to organizations
continues to grow exponentially.
EDM plans may include modernizing an
existing data warehouse to enable near-real-
time data, building a big data environment
to support deeper analytics, focusing on and
increasing digital capabilities and associated
analytics, moving existing data and
analytics to the cloud, increasing analytics
capabilities in the organization, or most likely
a combination of these. Data governance is
a key component of EDM, and is also taking
on a higher level of importance. Some of the
key trends that are causing a greater need
for data governance include:
• Increasing data volumes from more
and more sources, causing data
inconsistencies that need to be identified
and addressed before decisions are made
using incorrect information
• More self-service reporting and analytics
(data democratization), creating the need
for a common understanding of data
across the organization
• The continuing impact of regulatory
requirements such as GDPR, making it
even more important to have a strong
handle on what data is where, and how
it’s being used
• An increasing need for a common
business language to enable cross-
departmental analysis and decisions n
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