Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 28 | Page 47

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// some developed economies, but the effect is certainly being felt, disruption is certain and mass uptake is inevitable. Many companies are running proof of concepts, but from the wrong mindset – they are thinking about cost-cutting and not investment in customer experience. That saddens me a bit. Instead of asking ‘how much can I save?’, it’s time to start asking, ‘how will this improve the customer experience?’ Because ultimately that will FEATURE: CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE result in them spending more and the retailer will make more money. The technology is there, meaning that there is no reason to give customers a compelling reason to go to other e-commerce sites at the expense of your own retail business. It is quite possible to have an offering so full that you not only retain your own customers, but you also give them a compelling reason to get into your store. E-commerce cannot compete with that. n redPanda Software Group CEO Gareth Hawkey INTELLIGENTCIO 47