That next step is Blockchain. With
Blockchain, a supply chain can move
beyond the limitations of a peer-to-peer
network, or even a one-source-to-many
network and transform into a transparent
network that effortlessly connects many to
many. Blockchain creates a level of visibility
between every partner on a supply chain and
effectively holds them all accountable for
their end of a production bargain. trusted technology can offer more value
when it’s fed into a Blockchain-powered B2B
network. There, a shared version of true data
– collected from EDI, IoT and APIs – builds
upon the limited exchange found on EDI
and enables every partner to collaborate on
production and delivery.
EDI can still serve as the core medium for
document exchange, but the data from that Connectivity – a singular view of data and AI
– will be critical for retailers, manufacturers
A smart, connected
supply chain
Gerhard Dinhof, Blockchain Lead at
IBM South Africa