Digitisation key
to shaping the
future success
and growth
of African
The world is dramatically shifting as
a result of technology. And given the
reach of digital technology and the
change it promises, Habib Mahakian,
Vice-President, Emerging Africa at Dell
Technologies, says that organisations
across the continent are in a race to
become digital businesses.
s an accelerator of development, the world is also highly
disruptive, redefining jobs and skills while also reshaping
industries. As technology has evolved, so have we. The
way we live, work and connect with one another has changed
dramatically and this fusion of technologies means that over the
next decade, every successful business will need to be digital at heart.
Some companies are leapfrogging into the future as they have fewer
legacy challenges to deal with, while some are running the risk of
being left behind.
Today, Digital Transformation is no longer a luxury or nice-to-have. It
has become a necessity, spurred by those who set its development
agendas. Specifically, digitisation has become the pillar that is driving
growth and shaping the future success and growth of economies in
the continent.
For example, the Government of Morocco has put in place a new
set of policies and reforms in the Morocco Digital 2020 strategy
that aims to shift the country’s focus to positioning itself as a digital
economy to promote the effective use of and access to technology
across various sectors.