making cycle. Because if this does not
happen end-users will come back later on
saying ‘I don’t like the new technology, it’s
not performing well’. It’s a typical human
nature response as they were not part of the
decision-making process.
We can use Engage for awareness
campaigns, for example, related to security,
related to human resources and related to
government initiatives. We’ve used it for
many customers, we use it, for example,
internally with IT. We use it to improve the
government services which are aligned with
Dubai’s strategy.
We can also use Engage for green
initiatives such as the importance of
shutting down your machines before
leaving the office. So we promote these
kind of engagement campaigns, aligned
to the organisation’s objectives and the
country’s objectives as well.
answer questions such as ‘Are we using the
right technology?’
What are the benefits of the insights
you give to customers?
They ask questions like: ‘Do we have to
upgrade existing platforms for example? Do
we have to run different kinds of awareness
campaigns?’ So it’s all related to vital
strategic decisions for the organisation, and
it’s not only about the technical findings
because it goes far beyond that, it goes into
the roadmap of IT within the organisation
itself, what kind of technologies they have to
invest in, and so on and so forth.
Would you help companies with their
decision making in terms of IT?
We give IT more visibility and insights
about the user’s sentiment and about
the performance of the machine, the
applications, the services, the availability and
so on and so forth. Absolutely. We help organisations to utilise
the existing technology in the right way,
because in many cases they have the
technology in place, but it’s not properly
configured. It’s not fine-tuned towards
the infrastructure performance. It’s not
necessarily that the latest release from
certain vendors is the best one, because
maybe it will exhaust a customer’s
infrastructure. They have to know and
understand exactly which release is the
perfect fit for their existing infrastructure.
They use our results to take key decisions. In
many cases they are strategic decisions to How do you provide Real Time
visibility to your customers?
What are the main requirements of
your customers?
We have collectors at every single end-point
and the collector is doing one single job,
which is collecting all the activities, all the
behaviours, from users’ applications, sending
it to the engine of Nexthink in real time.
The moment we have it we will start
visualising exactly what is happening on
every single machine and on the entire
infrastructure. For example, if I have 5000
endpoints, 5000 users, they have 5000 eyes
within the organisation, telling me exactly
what is happening, but we don’t touch the
user data for privacy.
In terms of in terms of making
the employee experience more
positive, what impact does that
have on productivity?
I think we exceed the expectations of IT and
the end-users. Because today if the end-user
Maged Eid, Area VP – META, Nexthink
is experiencing some performance issues or
a slowness issue or a security issue, in many
cases they will not report it to IT.
They will try to fix it themselves which is
a big waste of time for them. And it will
be a huge drop in their productivity, which
is the main ROI for the organisation as
they hired those people in order to achieve
certain goals, and the higher the profile, the
higher the loss.
We are proactive as an IT organisation. We
know exactly what is happening, ahead of
time and before even there is a complaint
about it. We will fix it on the spot so we will
save the customer’s time that they waste on
all the problems they are suffering from.
I think when it comes to productivity and
efficiency, we can measure it, we can see
whether their users are happy with the
existing system or not. We can see if the
users are adapting the new technology
and using it in a proper way or not because
we can see the productivity levels from the
end-user side. When it comes to productivity,
efficiency is one of the key goals that we
measure in our projects when we deliver to
the customers. n