Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 51 | Page 69

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Adele Trombetta , VP , Customer Experience , Cisco MEA & Technology Transformation Group EMEA and Russia transformation and accelerating time to value , with reduced risk across every security platform domain .
This ability comes as a result of extensive experience , which has enabled Cisco to accumulate a rich history of threat intelligence . Our broad portfolio of security services offers seamless and efficient integration across the full attack continuum – whether implementing a location agnostic operation based on zero trust architecture or adopting cloud and hyper – automated systems via a Secure Access Service Edge ( SASE ) framework .
Crucially , Cisco ’ s security solutions can be scaled , regardless of the number of attackers , inspiring greater confidence with a stronger and more secure perimeter to protect against threats . increasing complexity and lack of control when it comes to data management , policy adherence and security integration .
To truly protect their assets , companies must consider security within three distinct and equally import dimensions . Firstly , they must deliberate which solution domains require protection , be they workforce , workplace or workload .
Secondly , decision makers must determine which control points they need to guarantee . In the industry , we refer to these points of consideration as ‘ identify and trust ’, ‘ protect and isolate ’ and ‘ detect and respond ’. Lastly , but by no means least , one must also think carefully about the type of services they will purchase from an external provider .
Cisco is uniquely positioned to offer solutions across all three security dimensions , with a focus on driving
Security must involve more than just defence and containment measures , which is why our solutions also work to learn from each targeted attack . We leverage AI to understand how cyberthreats work and
The pandemic has certainly played a role in accelerating Digital Transformation timelines , in some cases , from years to a mere matter of weeks .
how to automate and remediate against them in the future . As network architecture becomes increasingly complex , security must be weaved in the very fabric of IT infrastructure and be at the heart of every business strategy . Security must ultimately not exist just at endpoints , but also at every layer in between . p
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