Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 55 | Page 22


Businesses are not equipped to deliver on customer experience , IFS study finds

Businesses are missing out on a significant opportunity to fix internal processes and address the root causes of customer experience issues in the wake of the pandemic , an IFS global survey has found .

Businesses are missing out on a significant opportunity to fix internal processes and address the root causes of customer experience issues in the wake of the pandemic , research from enterprise software specialist IFS has revealed .

The global study , which surveyed more than 1,700 executives and over 12,000 consumers , uncovered that despite the majority of companies ( 66 %) investing upwards of US $ 250,000 each year evaluating the customer experience through Net Promoter Scores , reviews and customer satisfaction surveys , 82 % were unable to recall a single positive example of a recent frictionless customer experience – showing current customer experience processes do little more than wallpaper over the cracks .
While much attention is paid to customer service , the inflection points that occur throughout the lifecycle of an operation and encompass processes , technology solutions and human coordination are even more important to business outcomes , yet even more frequently overlooked . Only by careful orchestration of these components can companies deliver a quality “ moment of service ” in which everything comes together to create a positive result for a customer .
However , while 79 % of businesses have invested time and resources in identifying where these inflection points are , when problems are identified nearly a third of managers ( 29 %) admitted to reporting them but not taking action . Furthermore , some 18 % revealed they were too busy to report issues unless
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