The industrial revolution global markets are experiencing today , commonly referred to as Industry 4.0 , is powered by technological advancements that include the Internet of Things ( IoT ), smart manufacturing , robotics and Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) to name a few things .
The ability of machines to communicate and evolve to become a more intelligent device coupled with the advent of connected devices and platforms drives digitisation of the manufacturing arena . IoT , supervisory control and data acquisition ( SCADA ) and Industrial IoT ( IIoT ) are transforming manufacturing by allowing for a connected experience that has streamlined and simplified many manufacturing processes . This will become a critical technology to enable the continent to embrace a digitally transformed landscape in Africa .
Even though CIOs are open-minded and embrace the fast-paced change of digital technology for IoT to be implemented correctly , there are several factors to consider . One of these is laws and legal frameworks to support data-driven technologies and innovationdriven growth . With the right mix of policies , CIOs can reap the benefits of IoT and AI in the years to come .
An IoT environment delivers more intelligence on the assembly line or in the manufacturing process . Furthermore , it allows for data analytics to be captured and used to provide feedback , advanced notifications , state of health and other forms of reporting to improve the process throughout
If the Edge device cannot capture data accurately or captures the wrong data , then the AI processing will be wasted .
manufacturing operations . All these elements become vital enablers in developing economies across the continent . CIOs must therefore take the time to integrate IoT into existing technology roadmaps .
Wherever you find a software-defined , digital user , there is a good possibility that IoT is connected and used somewhere . Several technology companies have already mobilised to create a vibrant IoT ecosystem in Africa . In Africa , this connected device environment can help with some of the region ’ s most pervasive problems : from reducing poverty and improving education , to delivering healthcare and eradicating diseases by better capturing and analysing data at the edge of computing .
In addition to manufacturing , other verticals that IoT will impact are agriculture and health . By combining IoT with AI , the agriculture sector can benefit from optimal harvests to get advice on the best time to sow depending on weather conditions , soil and other indicators .
For an organisation to successfully implement Industry 4.0 strategies and programmes , they must have a base set of data and maintain a constant source of relevant data to ensure that AI can be helpful in their selected industry . This makes the integrity of the IoT data capture point imperative for success . The adage ‘ garbage in , garbage out ’ applies in this regard . If the Edge device cannot capture data accurately or captures the wrong data , then the AI processing will be wasted .
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