More than a technological shift , Digital Transformation ( DX ) represents a cultural change for an organisation regardless of its size , nature of its business , or the industry it belongs to . DX impacts both , IT departments and the business units that interact with customers , suppliers , and government authorities . critically aware of weak links and having plans to address them . Organisations must be cautioned that today ’ s smooth processes can become tomorrow ’ s bottlenecks . After examining DX from IT and line-of-businesses perspectives , IDC has concluded that all team members have distinct roles to play in building resilience .
Developing a broad and deep view of DX – one that keeps the customer at the centre and leverages workflows to connect the customer to the organisation – can substantially improve the potential of digital initiatives . Although individual workflows may not be interconnected or interdependent , all should serve the organisation ’ s common goals ( with respect to customer satisfaction , organisational sustainability , financial performance , and employee contentment ). In this context , leaders must gain totality visibility of workflows to discover bottlenecks that hamper performance .
Business resilience ensures sustained organisational growth , even during uncertain times . Resilience is about building the capacity to rapidly respond to changes and minimising the impacts of unplanned disruptions . Resilience is incomplete without being
While a fragmented , siloed approach can provide an organisation with short-term success , it cannot assure sustained growth . A collaborative approach , though potentially tedious and time-consuming , is a proven path to building a resilient organisation .
The careful study of workflows is vital to developing a structured , process-driven view of an organisation ’ s transactions . A study of underlying technologies can also help organisations gain a comprehensive and enterprise-wide view of workflows . Technological tools like cloud , Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) and Machine Learning ( ML ), robotic process automation ( RPA ), and Edge Computing are disrupting the traditional methodologies of building products or rendering services . For example , AI / ML and RPA are eliminating redundant or unnecessary processes and associated workflows . p
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