With the massive technological innovation over the years , the cybersecurity sector has had to adapt and create new solutions for better safety of people and organisations .
About 20 years ago , an organisation ’ s data was behind corporate headquarters but now people have immediate access to data from the cloud through laptops , tablets , and other devices . We have data everywhere – it is important to shift from the ‘ Layered Defence Model ’ to the ‘ Zero Trust Model ’, which is the ability to microsegment parts of your data or network environment and apply visibility and control . With the ‘ Zero Trust Model ’, you can microsegment all your critical assets including machine , server or endpoint from the rest of the network with full visibility and available controls .
Channel partners need to adopt and help deploy technologies and platforms to their customers that integrate threat intelligence natively , protect against known and unknown threats , implement automation , deliver persistent protection , and provide full visibility into activity on the network , endpoint and cloud .
Cybercrime has evolved immensely , making advanced and highly evasive threats more accessible and common . There are many challenges that both organisations and solution providers face when identifying and preventing threats such as the threat marketplace , inadequate defences , and opensource vulnerabilities .
Having the wrong endpoint security solution can compromise your digital infrastructure and resources , leaving them vulnerable to threats and undoing the work that has gone into securing the network .
As a rule , channel partners must evolve their strategies as per the latest technologies and innovations – Digital Transformation is now becoming a huge player in successful channel partnerships .
As part of its commitment to enabling the growth of our partners , Palo Alto Networks has launched the NextWave 3.0 , designed to strengthen its offerings to enable partners to differentiate their services , build new security expertise , and grow profitable businesses . NextWave 3.0 will also help enable Digital Transformation for our partners while allowing them to differentiate themselves in the security market .
There is a mindset shift moving from the ‘ Layered Defence Model ’ to a ‘ Zero Trust Model ’, and there is a growing requirement for Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) and automation skills in cybersecurity .
The ‘ Zero Trust Model ’ requires a level of visibility and control across your company ’ s infrastructure – including visibility into your network traffic , orchestrating data from sources across the infrastructure , applying Machine Learning and using automation . Zero Trust means you cannot assume any of the users , endpoints , credentials , or devices on your network are trustworthy . Your security operations
Having the wrong endpoint security solution can compromise your digital infrastructure and resources , leaving them vulnerable to threats and undoing the work that has gone into securing the network .
team needs to continuously monitor for any suspicious behaviour , as endpoints can be compromised , or credentials can be stolen . By deploying an analytics solution that can see across endpoint , cloud and network assets , the team can gain enterprisewide visibility and safeguard managed as well as unmanaged assets . p
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