Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 66 | Page 31


‘‘ business

The cloud in Africa is undergoing massive transformation and acceleration . There has been a huge uptake in cloud services , especially when it comes to SMEs turning towards hyper-scalers . Meanwhile , more prominent organisations and governments have been embracing the private cloud .

An EY study has highlighted a new wave of investments spreading across Africa centred on companies migrating to the cloud as they look at becoming more efficient while reducing their operational costs . Closer to home , the Kenyan market has always been one of the largest adopters of technology in the region .
Therefore , it is not surprising that there has been a significant interest in cloud services by both the public and private sectors here . Additionally , the public sector and the financial services industry have been vocal about investing in the private cloud to cater to their specific requirements .
This has provided the impetus for many hyper-scalers to look at opening operations in Kenya instead of purely relying on their regional offices in South Africa , the United States , and Europe to service the region ’ s demands for cloud computing services .
Events of the past two years have made it virtually impossible for people to move around . The cloud has therefore become an essential tool for businesses to survive .
Beyond this , there are three reasons why the cloud has become a critical building block for the region . Firstly , it provides the business agility necessary to remain competitive . Secondly , the cloud helps to address any security and compliance concerns resulting from a rapidly evolving regulatory environment . And thirdly , the cloud injects a level of performance and operational efficiency not previously possible .
massive driver behind its adoption . However , not every application is optimised for the cloud . This means companies must carefully review which ones make sense to move to the cloud and which ones must be kept on-premises .
Another factor impacting the decision to move to hybrid is the strong drive towards compliance , especially data protection . There has been a massive push in Kenya regarding this , with significant investments being made to ensure companies adhere to regulatory requirements . Having already invested in the private cloud , going hybrid means businesses can leverage shared services and infrastructure far more costeffectively while maintaining compliance .
Navigating obstacles
This does not mean that companies do not face obstacles when it comes to migrating to the cloud . One of the significant ones relates to adoption and IT transformation . There is a huge challenge when it comes to keeping up with developments in this space . Organisations need to manage shorter development cycles and overcome their concerns around controlling costs and mitigating risks .
Because not all applications are cloud-optimised , going about modernising them can add to the
Andrew Ngunjiri , Practice Manager : Intelligent Infrastructure , Dimension Data East Africa
Even though public and private cloud models provide benefits , we anticipate the hybrid cloud model to win the race for massive adoption . We are already seeing hybrid becoming the natural progression of cloud adoption in the region , with many organisations and governments opting for this model .
It comes down to a simple matter of practicality . When one looks at the cloud , applications are a
The public sector and the financial services industry have been vocal about investing in the private cloud to cater to their specific requirements .
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