Even with strong cyber defences in place , it ’ s impossible for companies to avoid all cyber disasters and their resultant , adverse impacts upon data , privacy , and trust .
Mohammed Amin , Senior Vice President , Middle East , Turkey and
Africa ( META ) Dell Technologies
Cybersecurity is foundational for an economic recovery that works for all
As the G7 nations recently agreed a formal agreement for governments to work together to share expertise and minimise cyber risks , Mohammed Amin , Senior Vice President , Middle East , Turkey and Africa ( META ) Dell Technologies , discusses why cybercrime is showing no signs of slowing down and continues to pose risks across all aspects of society .
With citizens , governments , and businesses more dependent than ever on digital connectivity , one of the most pressing sectoral issues for this decade is cybersecurity .
While this issue has been in the public consciousness for some time now , there is still a wide perception gap between organisational executives , who feel positively about their cyber resilience , and security leaders who do not . The reality is that cybercrime is showing no signs of slowing down , posing risks across all aspects of society . In 2021 , ransomware attacks were up 150 % and more than 80 % of experts say this growth is now threatening public safety . These statistics demonstrate the gravity and prevalence of cybercrime today . The question is , as we focus on global recovery , and a new era of economic growth , how do we protect against cyber threats ?
In recent months we ’ ve seen an unprecedented policy focus on the threat of cyberattacks and digital resilience though prominence in WEF ’ s Global Risk Report for 2022 , and the G7 communique that saw a formal agreement for governments ‘ to work together to share expertise and minimise cyber risks ’. In order to deliver on globally ambitious designs of digital
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