INTELLIGENT BRANDS // Software for Business
Avantra sets benchmark for SAP operations with new ‘ automation native ’ release
Avantra , an AIOps platform for SAP operations automation , has announced the launch of its latest software release , Avantra 23 . The updates deliver service quality that has never been seen before in SAP operations , with readyto-use workflow automation templates , including SAP system refresh , automated SAP security analysis , and much more .
The new Avantra 23 platform update gives businesses that rely on enterprise resource planning ( ERP ) systems something that nothing else can – exceptional service quality of ERP operations .
John Appleby , CEO , Avantra , explained that “ There is so much work to do in enterprise IT operations , and not enough people to do it . So , we need to be thinking about them as automators rather than operators . That is the talent transformation that has to happen in our industry .
“ The biggest challenge for business automation is that key talent holds all the knowledge about the activities which an organisation wants to automate , and are also the busiest . With Avantra 23 , we are solving this paradox by automating repetitive monitoring and maintenance activities and providing a foundation that enables the automation native to rise above the manual work that holds them back . And that ’ s how the Avantra AIOps platform is enabling hyper-automation for customers .”
The enhanced automation engine provides updated customizable workflow templates and the ability to automate system refresh , creating time for the operations team to focus on greater business value projects that deliver shareholder value , revenue , and profitability .
Speaking at the tech company ’ s customer summit in October , Appleby said , “ There ’ s no easy way to say it , businesses just have to prioritize automation . That also requires the need to give ERP operations teams a little space to put in automation , because it will give back benefits 10 times over .”
Bernd Engist , CTO , Avantra , explained : “ Everything Avantra automates pays back by making your most critical assets less busy . System refreshes that previously took four days of complex manual operations are now automated and completed within a few hours . Our fully automated system refresh ability now brings support for Oracle and Sybase databases , in addition to SAP HANA – a major migration project for many customers right now . This new release gives Avantra customers the ability to better deliver their business needs – be that Digital Transformation , hyperautomation , or cloud migration projects . p
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