FINAL WORD experience that thrills customers . That does not only mean catering to their immediate whims ( always having the right items in stock , personalising customer service to build rapport , being flexible on delivery and providing multichannel engagement options ). It must also include predicting what they might want and when they might want it .
Business intelligence of this standard requires not only deep and broad Digital Transformation but a fundamental culture shift that prioritises the customer relationship – moving from transactional to relational interaction . The metrics and workflows of modern digital platforms allow businesses to monitor how their offerings are being adopted and integrated and what successes they are bringing to customers . Through this approach , relationships become something to be maintained , renewed and enhanced as an ongoing project .
With this kind of culture in place , workflow tools that connect touchpoints will allow companies to deploy Artificial Intelligence that can predict the potential loss of a customer and trigger a fresh workflow to redress the satisfaction deficit . Metrics such as active users , engagement scores and retention rates can likewise be used to initiate proactive measures and preserve customer loyalty .
2 . Forget websites ; offer digital services
Static information pages are to the digital world as the dodo is to the animal kingdom . And corporate brochures
Static information pages are to the digital world as the dodo is to the animal kingdom . And corporate brochures are to a digital native as a bicycle is to a fish .
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