GET TO KNOW that can anticipate cyberattacks and communicate those risks for decision support will be the ones best positioned to defend against emerging threats .
How do you deal with stress and unwind outside the office ?
I prefer to take action early to head off stressful situations rather than letting something build till it blows . When it comes to how I unwind and relax outside of the office , I enjoy hunting and camping outdoors – which I have been enthusiastic about for around 25 years now .
If you could go back and change one career decision what would it be ?
I don ’ t think it ’ s useful to look back at what ’ s passed , as you can ’ t rewrite history . If I were to give my younger self some advice , it would be not to sweat the small stuff but focus on the bigger picture – whether that ’ s a strategic objective , career ambition or even a project I plan to pursue . Once you know where you need to be , it ’ s much easier to identify the steps needed to get there .
What do you currently identify as the major areas of investment in your industry ?
It ’ s an exciting time in Dubai as the region recovers post Covid , with the UAE economy expanding strongly .
Organisations are looking to invest in technology that will help them capitalise on opportunities and deliver increased functionality . However , against this backdrop we ’ ve also seen a dramatic uptick in ransomware attacks , nation state-sponsored threats and a flood of new vulnerabilities that leave organisations exposed . When we think of traditional network security , the goal is to fortify the perimeter to prevent threats outside of the network from getting in . However , the way we work today means this approach is no longer feasible . We need to stop simply treating the symptoms of cyberrisk and actually look for a cure . Securing the modern attack surface requires a new approach if we ’ re not to keep making the same mistakes .
What changes to your job role have you seen in the last year and how do you see these developing in the next 12 months ?
I think the biggest change is returning to face to face events , but also be prepared to interact with those who prefer to remain remote .
What advice would you offer somebody aspiring to obtain C-level position in your industry ?
Be true to yourself . Don ’ t step on anyone to achieve your aspirations . And perhaps most importantly find a mentor who can help you with your career goals . p
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