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Lack of skills has been either the number one or number two obstacle to achieving organisational objectives , according to the past annual Gartner CIO surveys .
leadership abilities to drive strategic corporate growth plans and increase market opportunities . They need to don the hat of a digital transformation strategist , which enables them to embrace this next normal and transform their organisations .
In doing so , requires a stronger prioritisation and collaboration process between teams that are often siloed . It involves combining IT and the business together to solve everyday problems . It also means increasing agility throughout the organisation .
All these warrant a CIO to possess greater soft skills such as collaboration , communication , empathy , problem solving and having more of a businessoriented strategic mindset , besides just being an IT analytics master . Tactical and candid conversations with stakeholders across the workplace can prove to highly beneficial in achieving the desired objective .
Involving stakeholders using an open-source approach in one tactic to ensure authenticity and to promote engagement in culture shaping works well in favour of the organisations ’ strategic growth .
International Finance Corporation study revealed that by 2030 , more than 230 million jobs will require digital skills in Africa . The pandemic has only accentuated a significant rise in the demand for digital tools and processes . To fully realise the opportunities brought about by digital transformation and Fourth Industrial Revolution , it is vital we have strong ICT skills , necessitating that the employees should not just be able to adopt emerging technology , they should have the capabilities to effectively use it .
We have seen success across the world , when employees use their skills and grow within the company because again , hiring is not enough . Providing employees with an environment where they can flourish is important . We have partnered with the Higher College of Technology and are also recruiting employees through various initiatives and hackathons to attract talent .
In this constantly changing business environ , CIOs must work closely with the CHRO to create a workplace culture that focuses on creating an environment where employees are excited about what they do and who they work for . It is no longer a tussle between the roles : it is the perfect blend that needs to be created by CIOs
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