Three insights to boost employee productivity in a transforming Africa
Sensory intelligence is a revolutionary concept designed and coined by thought leader , Dr Annemarie Lombard , that can help African workers become more self-aware , happy and successful in life and work .
Sensory refers to the seven human senses through which all environmental stimuli are absorbed , processed and decoded for use . Intelligence is the human brain making sense , understanding and using information to its fullest potential . It forms part of a wider knowledge base around intelligence , IQ , emotional intelligence , spiritual intelligence , positive intelligence , social intelligence , and some more .
Sensory intelligence measures your sensory thresholds which form part of your basic genetic code and blueprint . You cannot and should not try to improve your scores . There is no right or wrong , just knowing how they work , what they do and how we can use it to the best of our abilities .
Your sensory thresholds describe intelligence in our world and the quest is for you to understand and use this information to make life and work easier . Through self-assessments , training and coaching we help people to be more successful in life and work .
Insight # 1
You have seven senses , not just five . The more familiar senses are ; 1 visual , 2 hearing , 3 touch , 4 smell and 5 taste . You further have two hidden senses which most people do not know about . They are the movement system and consists of two interlinking senses : 6 vestibular – consisting of five little receptors located in your inner ear to detect head movement in relation to gravity , it is a bit like your body ’ s GPS and 7 proprioception – receptors located in your muscles and joints which provide constant feedback about your body , muscles and where you are in space .
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