Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 84 | Page 14


African hospitality sector adopts digital transformation , opts for Sage Intacct

ALNET Technologies is driving the supply of accounting systems in the hospitality sector . These solutions play a crucial role in the industry , helping businesses to achieve better decision making and enhanced management of financial operations .

Yash Maharaj , Business Development Manager , ALNET Technologies , says accounting technologies are advancing and changing the way financial data is presented
Yash Maharaj and processed . “ We no longer need to sift through vast amounts of spreadsheet data to extract relevant information . We now have modern accounting systems such as Sage Intacct , cloud-based solution that provides real-time data allowing hospitality entities to gain greater insight into their businesses .”
The current competitive landscape in the hospitality sector is unforgiving making time-consuming manual processes a barrier to growth . The ability to seize opportunities lies with modernisation of businesses through the implementation of a bestin-class cloud accounting and financial management solution .
Maharaj confirms digital transformation in the hospitality industry , especially within accounting systems , is a critical process that has gained momentum in recent years .
It involves leveraging technology to streamline financial processes , enhance efficiency , and provide better financial insights . Organisations operating multiple entities can spend days , or weeks , doing
monthly consolidations . It is now possible to automate this process saving a huge amount of time and effort .
Sage Intacct is the optimal solution for boosting business performance and delivers measurable results . Instead of confining an organisation to a one-sizefits-all strategy , Sage Intacct conforms and facilitates the fulfilment of current and future requirements . It centrally tracks and improves real-time business performance across all hospitality locations .
Sage Intacct makes it possible to view financial information and other dimensions used to measure performance . It also delivers improved cash flow and revenue forecasting with real-time visibility into current inflows , outflows , and revenue streams . It can take analyses to the next level through the product ’ s financial reporting dashboards which provide even greater insights .

Disaster recovery preparation and testing is highly complex and intensive subject

Disaster recovery readiness is a necessity for highly digitalised companies and an important item on any board agenda . CIO ’ s must be able to prove , with full documentary evidence , that the business is operationally resilient from an IT perspective . This can turn out to be extremely difficult using partially automated and manually operated tests , says Ryan Lawlor , Sales Specialist , CASA .

“ Given the extent to which a company ’ s IT systems are integrated into all aspects of the business , disaster recovery tests of these systems is a major component of any company ’ s operational resilience programme and reporting , and thus a pressing concern for the board ,” Lawlor notes .
“ The benefits of an effective resilience programme are significant to more than just a DR success rate , they carry across to better stakeholder returns and success ability of a company , thus getting your DR right becomes even more important .”
Lawlor says that when it comes to DR readiness , the challenge is that most company ’ s IT infrastructure platforms have become extremely complex , including a dynamic mix of on-premises , multi-cloud and private-cloud environments . Ensuring they are recoverable depends on regular , thorough testing , something that is very timeconsuming , disruptive , resource-intensive and expensive .
In these complex , dynamic IT environments , the sequences followed in the runbooks must be exact and correctly interpreted , or failover will be compromised often causing delays .
Broadcom developed the Automic Enterprise Disaster Recovery Automation and Monitoring solution , to fully automate the monitoring , reporting , testing and workflow
Ryan Lawlor
processes across the entire DR life cycle . This eliminates human error and means that testing can be undertaken with up to 80 % fewer human resources , and at a quarter of the time . This equates to saving hundreds of manhours over weekends and greatly reduced Recovery Time Objectives and Recovery Point Objectives targets .
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