Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 84 | Page 53

Describe your current job role and a summary of the business model of your organisation ?
Tobe leads CSCS ’ s Business Technology and Detailed Innovations Division . His role spans technology , digital innovations , and data services oversight . CSCS serves as Nigeria ’ s core financial markets infrastructure , offering deposit services , payment settlements , and diverse capital market-related services . They function as a central hub for stakeholders and provide additional national services like data management and business intelligence .
What are your strengths and abilities that you bring to the above role ?
Tobe ’ s strength lies in his business acumen fused with a tech leadership role . His business background enriches the technological landscape , aligning projects with corporate strategies . This blend allows him to contribute not just as an executor but as an integral part of the organisation ’ s strategic direction and future development .
Please describe the expectations of the end customers that you address . What are their pain points today ?
At CSCS , the focus lies on addressing customer expectations in three primary domains . Initially , the emphasis is on providing self-service capabilities within the capital markets through the development of digital platforms and APIs .
Second , the commitment to transparency is evident through the provision of tracking platforms , ensuring prompt service delivery while eliminating historical obstacles . Furthermore , customers encounter significant challenges managing legacy systems , facing heightened operational costs , and grappling with data security , disaster recovery , and continuous availability issues .
Which generic technologies and innovations can make a difference to your end customers business ?
Implementing AI in Know Your Customer processes exemplifies its efficiency , reducing operational staff from ten to two while enhancing validation processes and significantly cutting costs . Both cloud and AI are instrumental in propelling business efficiency and effectiveness , promising continual transformation , and value for both CSCS and its customers .
How can a channel partner in your industry disrupt the regional market and gain a leading competitive position ?
To disrupt and lead the regional market , a channel partner must prioritise customer satisfaction over product sales . Committing to user fulfilment and addressing pain points builds trust and ensures long-term success . Equally crucial is innovation , highlighted through a robust roadmap , guaranteeing future advancements , and staying ahead in a rapidly evolving technological landscape .
Demonstrating continual value and adaptability to evolving needs supersedes brand loyalty , making customer satisfaction and innovation pivotal for a channel partner aiming to disrupt and excel in the market .
Which aspects of your job role do you find rewarding and which challenging ?
The most rewarding aspect of the job role is developing team capacities , fostering skill development and leadership growth . Witnessing team members transition from struggling to finding their footing to owning and leading industry spaces brings immense satisfaction .
However , the most challenging aspect lies in currency devaluation impacting technology costs significantly . With locally denominated business not growing at a similar rate , managing escalating tech costs poses a substantial hurdle in his current role .
How do you best like to de-stress and re-charge off work ?
Outside of work , Tobe finds solace in writing , dedicating considerable time to crafting articles , particularly within the tech sphere . This practice serves as a significant means of destressing , providing an outlet for expression . Writing , both randomly and purposefully , supersedes his previous reading habits , rejuvenating and recharging him effectively .
Tobe Nnadozie at Central Securities Clearing System
and integration with the Nutanix environment a prerequisite for future partners .
“ Our roadmap with Nutanix stretches out for five to seven years . Naturally , as our business evolves , so will our requirements , and we will invest further in licenses , storage , compute capacities ,” he ends .
“ From the outset , we recognised the innovative and forward-thinking ethos of the CSCS team ,” says Tunde Abagun , Sales Lead at Nutanix West , East , and Central Africa . “ Their proactive approach to revolutionising Nigeria ’ s financial infrastructure has truly set them apart in the capital market space .” p
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