Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 84 | Page 76

FINAL WORD organisations that possess these tools , employees feel safer about disclosing their disability .
Artificial and actual intelligence
We have all been there , right ? Where it seems as though the algorithm knows us better than we know ourselves . Where all the answers are a Chat GPT away ? In a world where in many realms it seems artificial is trending , could we be losing sight of the value of real Artificial Intelligence- actual intelligence ?
It has to be said the new reliance on Artificial Intelligence has resulted in us undermining the power of our own thoughts and skills . The importance of actual people with actual intelligence from years of actual studying or just actual natural talents and abilities cannot be overstated .
We as people have almost developed an imposter syndrome of original thought . We do not trust that we could know better than an algorithm or a search engine . Or perhaps we have become too lazy to try .
Actual intelligence is not the absence nor the antonym to Artificial Intelligence , it is more the degrees of application of it . Two factors come into play , where your talents and skills end and the machines begin and what the motivation is for doing what needs to be done .
As humans , we are motivated by the need for self-esteem . Where we choose to do difficult things and choose to master them . Artificial Intelligence does give us the opportunity to offload the tasks that we do not want to do . Some people want to write . But some people see it as a chore . The same Artificial Intelligence is useful for the one person , but not the other .
When we get machines to help us do our work , at what point does it become no longer ours ? You send an email written by Chap GPT and someone responds saying they were upset by it ; can you claim you did not write it ? Actual intelligence would suggest the moment you attach your name to something , you become accountable for it .
Sometimes the inverse is even true , we are prepared to trust and be accountable more for machines outputs then our own . Actual Intelligence is knowing the line between your strengths and a machine ’ s .
That means in practice that if an organisation of 1,000 people can close the gap in the BLISS Score , it can retain 20 more employees .
Sam Clarke , CEO Skynamo and Taylea du Toit , Marketing Manager
Technology is hugely fundamental in our progression as human beings , creating a world where we can work smarter and not harder . Whether we chose our own intelligence or that of machines , the truth lies in the fact that it is indeed a choice .
Some of the policies that assist people with disabilities are beneficial to all employees , such as the ability to work from home part of the time and access to wellness services . If flexible or hybrid working arrangements are available to all employees , it destigmatises those arrangements for people with disabilities and frees them of the necessity to produce medical certificates to justify them .
The ILO gives examples of new technological developments that can assist people with disabilities in the workplace . For example , Artificial Intelligence is learning how to respond to images , sounds and facial expressions . Tools like auto-captioning with Artificial Intelligence and autonomous cars present great opportunities for people with disabilities .
Raising the BLISS score
Mentorships give people with disabilities acknowledgement that the employer has noticed them and their aspirations and is matching them with someone who can help them to fulfil those aspirations . The average global BLISS score for people with disabilities with a mentor is eight points higher than for those without a mentor .
BLISS scores also improve significantly when the employer makes reasonable accommodation , such as providing particular equipment or software , flexible working or adjustments to the physical environment . In these workplaces , the BLISS score of people with disabilities was 17 points higher than it was for people with disabilities whose requests were denied .
According to the Job Accommodation Network in the US , which is part of the Department of Labour , 56 % of those who provided accommodation said it cost nothing extra and others said it only cost an extra $ 500 on average . Providing reasonable accommodation is about ensuring that all employees , not only people with disabilities , have what they need to be productive , efficient and effective at work .
People with disabilities who do not disclose their disability are significantly less likely to have their request for accommodation met , which is further evidence of the importance of providing an environment where disability can be disclosed without prejudice .
BCG recommends that employers foster a greater sense of inclusion by putting in place employeecentric policies and programmes , mentorships , and by providing reasonable accommodations . At
No employer can afford to ignore or misunderstand about a quarter of employees . It is possible to take practical steps to get high-impact results , resulting in a happier , more productive and more loyal workforce . p
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