Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 86 | Page 7


Greetings to the readers of Intelligent CIO Africa . As divisions across the global divide expand , investors are beginning to relook at the African continent for its natural energy resources and its human resources . Amid supply challenges and efforts to diversify imports , South Africa and the rest of Africa has emerged as a strategic investment opportunity for European countries and companies .

South Africa and other African countries , have begun implementing strategies to define a long-term vision for selected sectors . These master plans not only outline opportunities but reassure foreign investors on risk while detailing strategies for maximizing returns on investment .
Masterplans have proven effective for burgeoning oil and gas producers . Establishing energy masterplans is also a strategy for mature producers to diversify their energy sectors by attracting investment in alternative industries such as renewables , power and infrastructure .
An index of this importance is reflected in the recent MoU between United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and Google , to foster and accelerate digital transformation in Africa . Other than South Africa , the MoU will operate across Ghana , Kenya , Ethiopia , Nigeria , Rwanda , Uganda , Zimbabwe , Senegal , Tanzania , Equatorial Guinea , Mozambique , South Sudan .
As African enterprises modernise , other than the challenge of transforming head office operations ,
African enterprises are also recognising the need to revamp operations in other countries as well .
In this month ’ s lead feature , we present how Momentum Metropolitan Africa , has successfully implemented Project Portfolio Office ’ s project and portfolio management solution , using an agile approach across five African countries , including Namibia , Botswana , Ghana , Lesotho and Mozambique , and the South African base office .
To read more about digital and business transformations taking place across Africa turn these pages .
And in this month ’ s Editor Question we ask what are the best practices that African CIOs should include in a service level agreement with their cloud service providers ? The challenge for African service providers is to ensure the SLA is reflective of the service and the customer feels there is a joint investment with the provider . Executives from NETSCOUT , Pure Storage , NetApp , Cloud Box , respond .
Wishing you the best of business success in your technology adoption .
Arun Shankar Managing Editor arun @ lynchpinmedia . com
www . intelligentcio . com INTELLIGENTCIO AFRICA 7