Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 87 | Page 31


‘‘ business

Data will play an invaluable role in helping public and private sector stakeholders across Africa identify ways to increase access to water for all while managing this commodity . From climate and weather forecasting to water monitoring , measuring , demand forecasting , and predictive maintenance on infrastructure , understanding data becomes a key tool in accomplishing water access .

Take disaster management as an example . Municipalities are at risk of flooding from both natural and unnatural events . Whether it is rain , tidal surges , or water main breaks , the complexities of being prepared for floods in the event of a disaster are significant . Further compounding this is climate change , cloud seeding , population growth , concretisation of the urban areas with poor drainage systems and expanding urbanisation in rural areas .
Flood risks in urban areas pose significant challenges , leading to severe losses in terms of human lives , infrastructure , vehicles , and biodiversity . These events can cause widespread devastation , disrupting communities and economies . The impact extends beyond immediate damage to buildings and roads , affecting ecosystems and natural habitats as well .
Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques can forecast potential flooding incidents , identify risk zones , attach risk scores to properties , infrastructure , and vehicles , and notify response teams proactively . This data can be incorporated into a mobile application integrating real-time decisioning with historical data , alert notifications , predictive summaries , and key statistics , aiding municipalities and local city administration in optimising their action plans .
Satyajit Dwivedi , Regional Director , EMEAP , Energy Utilities , Mining and Metals , Public Sector , SAS
Addressing flood risk in cities requires comprehensive strategies that prioritise both human safety and environmental resilience , emphasising the importance of proactive planning , infrastructure improvements , and sustainable development practices .
Cloud and AI
Leveraging cloud-based AI technology with sensor data and drone camera feeds presents a promising avenue for mitigating various flood-related risks . By facilitating efficient flood response management , this approach enables municipalities to better address the challenges posed by flooding . Solar-powered sensors and drones , coupled with cloud-based predictive analytics , offer real-time spatial situational awareness , allowing authorities to monitor flood severity and hazard indicators promptly .
Use cases
In the Netherlands , the agency in charge of Dutch public works , roads and water management is placing advanced IoT sensors throughout the country ’ s numerous rivers and inlets monitoring data from bridges , dams , dikes , locks and storm surge barriers . This is empowering the department to harvest , analyse , and act on real-time insights generated from AI and advanced analytics connected to these sensors .
Application of AI helps them understand how many miles of highways are still operational due to rising water level and plan for adequate sand inventory at the required site .
Critical data , including damage extent , flood depth , flooding arrival time , flooding duration , sediment or contamination load , water height , and flow rates , are transmitted back to the cloud via cellular communications . This telemetry and video feed are then integrated with weather data and predictive models are built that decides a specific response , enhancing the overall flood monitoring and response capabilities .
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