FEATURE : SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT endless variations and problems , we could not take the time to understand the context of the data , its usage and the nuances of its business rules .
Given the time , engaging with the business stakeholders and individuals would allow for a better understanding of their requirements . It helps to understand what problem we are solving by building a particular system , and what it means for the business itself . The why is critical . system and can also be used to frame design decisions and arguments .
What are the motivations of people you are working with and why do they need to achieve the tasks they are putting forward to you ? By empathising and understanding where they are coming from , you can obtain context about the broader business and stressors .
Gabriel Eisenberg , Senior Data Engineer , Synthesis Software Technologies
Understanding this and the monetary impact will underly the decisions being made regarding the
Open and regular communication or feedback will ensure opportunities for earlier intervention , if needed ,
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