Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 88 | Page 29


Since data is considered to be the new oil , good data management is key for businesses as it enables improved organisational agility , better and faster decision making and quicker problem-solving based on accurate , up-to-date information . There are very few businesses today that do not leverage some elements of data within their day-to-day operations , and organisations now have huge potential to gather , store and analyse data to learn more about consumer behaviour , market trends and other important aspects that have an impact on their operations .

Effective data management practices translate into information that is simple to access , to analyse and gain useful insights that can guide business decisions . This may entail spotting patterns , projecting future expansions and highlighting potential improvement zones for the organisation .
Additionally , proper data management can boost the visibility of a company ’ s data assets , which makes it easier to quickly find the right data for any specific analysis . Data visibility not only allows an enterprise to be more organised and productive , but also enables its employees to find the information they need to better do their jobs .
Unfortunately , many organisations across both the public and private sectors , still lack insight and understanding of where some of their critical data resides . This means that sensitive information can easily end up on unauthorised devices or email accounts outside of the organisation , without the organisation even being aware of this . This naturally increases the chances of a data breach , which can have various negative consequences .
Probably the biggest risk associated with data breaches is reputational damage , which can lead to a loss of existing customers and the inability to attract new ones , which will have an adverse effect on a business ’ s bottom line . In addition , the loss of sensitive customer data could also result in fines and penalties being levied by regulators , depending on the particular industry sector .
There are very few businesses today that do not leverage some elements of data within their day-to-day operations .
Data security and privacy are important functions of data management , which should be an important consideration for businesses , as there are a growing number of regulations that are being introduced around data and how it should be processed and stored .
However , besides ensuring that effective data management practices are in place , organisations should also review and update these measures regularly to ensure that their sensitive information is always managed and stored securely . Updating and reviewing data management practices is essential in a threat landscape that constantly changes as hackers continue to find creative ways to compromise IT environments . p
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