Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 90 | Page 10


KnowBe4 releases report indicating African enterprises more prone to phishing than global average

KnowBe4 , the provider of the world ’ s largest security awareness training and simulated phishing platform , released its new 2024 Phishing by Industry Benchmarking Report to measure an organisation ’ s Phishprone Percentage , indicating how many of their employees are likely to fall for phishing or social engineering frauds .

Anna Collard
This year ’ s report shows that according to baseline testing across industries , untrained employees in Africa fare worse at 36.7 % than the worldwide average of 34.3 %. This means that , in general , employees in African countries are more likely to click on malicious links or comply with fraudulent requests .
“ Cybersecurity challenges in Africa require a combination of regulation , guidelines and security awareness training . Particular focus is needed on threats like deepfakes used for political manipulation , especially ahead of major elections in various African countries ,” says Anna Collard , SVP Content Strategy and Evangelist Africa at KnowBe4 .
KnowBe4 analysed 54 million simulated phishing tests involving nearly 12 million users across 55,675 organisations in 19 different industries , establishing a PPP baseline indicating the click rates on phishing tests by employees without KnowBe4 security awareness training .
Although the PPP varied greatly across African sectors and countries , the findings in the report still show the effectiveness of combining simulated phishing security tests with security awareness training . Organisations in African countries that engaged in consistent training and testing experienced a significant decrease in their average PPP to 22 % within the first 90 days , and a further reduction to 5.9 % after a year of continuous training and testing .
These results are higher than the global average of 18.9 % after 90 days and 4.6 % after one year of consistent training and testing , suggesting that at least in theory , employees in African countries are more vulnerable to falling victim to cybercrime .

Microsoft Solutions Partner , Argantic joins Turrito group of companies

Argantic , a renowned Microsoft Solutions

Partner , has joined the Turrito group of companies . This strategic partnership significantly expands Turrito Networks ’ capabilities in Microsoft Cloud environments , enabling it to deliver enhanced value and expertise to its customers .
Argantic helps organisations thrive and reach their full potential in a modern cloudcentric era . Argantic was created 10 years ago with a focus on delivering software and infrastructure services to the corporate and enterprise business market .
Since its inception in 2016 , Argantic , led by industry veterans Garry Ackerman and Richard Shaw , has been a provider in innovative Microsoft solutions for the mid-market .
Turrito Networks is a company that specializes in providing cloud computing and connectivity solutions to businesses . They have grown
Brian Timperley
from a network agnostic connectivity provider to a full-fledged Technology Service Provider since their inception in 2010 .
Garry Ackerman
“ Integrating Argantic into our group allows us to broaden our skills in the Microsoft stack , an essential component of our service offering . Our customers increasingly require specialised knowledge in various domains , and Argantic ’ s extensive capabilities make this a perfect match for Turrito Networks ,” says Turrito CEO Brian Timperley .
According to Argantic CEO Garry Ackerman , joining the Turrito Group enables them to expand their reach and support more customers with diverse and complex cloud environments . “ Our focus on compliance and security has always been paramount , and the integration of AI in customer environments underscores its importance even more . Partnering with Turrito allows us to further our mission in delivering secure , compliant , and scalable cloud solutions .”
“ Both Turrito and Argantic are committed to transforming business processes , enhancing customer experiences , and unlocking unprecedented data insights through AI and the Microsoft Cloud . Argantic ’ s expertise in designing , building , and deploying secure AI solutions will greatly benefit our combined customer base .”
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