Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 93 | Page 42

While the technology and communications sector are growing in double digits , its contribution to Tanzania ’ s economy remains less than 2 %. Coupled with the country ’ s forward looking National ICT Policy 2023 , makes the country a suitable destination for technology and communication investors willing to play the long game .

Attractive destination for lon technology investment

Aerial view of Dar es Salam , Tanzania

Strategically positioned on the East coast of Africa , Tanzania offers multiple opportunities for industrial and technology investors . The country remains relatively under developed and there are opportunities for investors to assume a first mover advantage in multiple sectors by leveraging innovation and modern technology solutions .

According to the IMF , Tanzania ’ s gross domestic product was an estimated $ 71 billion , nominal , or $ 218.5 billion on a purchasing power parity . From 2009 through to 2013 , Tanzania ’ s per capita GDP , based on constant local currency grew an average of 3.5 % per year , higher than any other member of the East African Community . This was exceeded by Democratic Republic of Congo , Ethiopia , Ghana , Lesotho , Liberia , Mozambique , Sierra Leone , Zambia , and Zimbabwe .
India , Vietnam , South Africa , Switzerland , and China . It imports from India , Switzerland , Saudi Arabia , China , and UAE .
Industry and construction are a major and growing component of the Tanzanian economy , contributing 22 % of GDP and includes mining , manufacturing , electricity and natural gas , and construction , among others .
Communications is one of the fastest growing sectors in Tanzania , expanding at around 29 %. However , the sector contributes to less than 2 % of GDP , indicating the extent of under-utilisation of this sector . With advancement in ICT , increased Internet penetration , the rise of mobile devices , and the growing demand for digital services , communications contributed approximately 1.5 % to national GDP .
However , in the past five years , Tanzania ’ s GDP has shown an impressive average growth rate of 8 %, fuelled in part , by businesses investing in digitisation to meet the rising demand for technology products and services . Tanzania ’ s largest trading partners are
National ICT Policy 2023
Tanzania ’ s National ICT Policy 2023 aligns with its Digital Economy Strategic Framework 2023 – 2033 , driving its vision of a digitally transformed and
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