Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 93 | Page 66

INDUSTRY WATCH streams of English Premier League football matches . Similar cases are being pursued in Africa .
Protecting OT systems in mining
Despite the mining industry ’ s Operational Technology systems being vulnerable to cyberattacks , many decisionmakers still see these threats as purely an IT issue , even though a breach could potentially disrupt mining operations . By compromising OT systems , cyberattacks can halt mineral extraction processes , impacting profitability , damaging reputations , and loss of investor confidence . In the worst-case scenario , an OT hack can endanger the health and safety of mineworkers .
OT systems generate huge amounts of historical mining data which , if leaked , can reveal sensitive information to the market or , if lost , can negatively affect future decision-making .
While there is traditionally role segregation between IT and OT management in mining operations , both areas are technology-based , and mining houses must recognise that both areas should ideally be overseen by the company ’ s Chief Information Officer .
From a cyber resilience perspective , IT and OT teams should ensure ongoing communication and collaboration as this would foster a better understanding of the impact of specific systems being unavailable and how this affects the entire business .
To effectively manage and protect OT systems , IT will always be involved in the process , especially around securing systems and understanding how they fit into a bigger system architecture .
For mining companies to ensure that their OT systems are adequately protected against cyber threats , regular system maintenance and compliance checks are essential . OT systems form part of the safety ecosystem ; thus maintenance and compliance tests need to be treated like the safety drills that are regularly conducted at a mine .
It is also key to understand how various IT systems interlink and whether there are dependencies on specific components that need to be available for a critical system to work .
C-level executives must recognise that some cyber risks extend beyond the IT department and right budgets must be made available to IT and OT to protect their environments . All executives need to understand this must be part of their business objectives .
Mining companies can benefit significantly from engaging with a specialist in data management and protection to secure their OT environments from cyber threats . While these companies may have general IT and OT skills , their core business remains mining .
Iniel Dreyer , Managing Director , Data Management Professionals South Africa
Piracy is often a multi-level operation , with global and regional headquarters , as well as regional resellers . It is now also possible for content owners and police to identify criminals at every level of these operations , as well as those who consume pirated content .
Many people believe they simply cannot afford to pay for content . Entertainment often takes a back seat behind the need to put food on the table .
To some extent , premium content is a luxury , so one can understand this perception . However , pricing innovation by content platforms has led to entertainment packages at almost every price point . Financial difficulty is no longer an excuse for content piracy .
Prosecuting content piracy is not simply a harsh clampdown that spoils everyone ’ s fun . The war on content piracy has very real benefits , for everyone . It protects the livelihoods of creators , producers and rightsholders , ensuring that there can be more content in the future .
A content sector such as pay-TV has extremely tight margins . Up to 80 % of revenue generated goes into producing and securing content . Given these margins , any content theft threatens the viability of the entire industry .
Major productions across Africa , in Nigeria , Ghana , Kenya , Tanzania , Mozambique , and many other countries , sustain thousands of jobs , in production , performance , set and costume design , all the way through to catering , transport and accommodation . The war on piracy is a war to protect these jobs .
In the case of sports events , it is largely the legitimate allocation of broadcast rights that ensures modern professional sport can exist in the first place .
Another benefit of stopping piracy is that it preserves the support ecosystem that maintains trust in content platforms and their ongoing viability . In the legal economy , people invest in people , in their entertainment , their livelihoods and their peace of mind . Enriching their lives . By subscribing to legal content , legal users support this ecosystem .
The reasons for content piracy are complex . But the benefits of a creative economy free of piracy are plain to see . Content entertains , it nurtures , it captures society ’ s imagination . It helps build local culture . Hence the battle against piracy : to preserve and grow this remarkable industry . p
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