increasing focus on seamless private/
public cloud application and data mobility
through to 2020. Those technologies
which are able to integrate security with
performance and multi-tenancy to enable
this mobility on-demand, will become the
market and mind-share leaders. augmented (even at the edge) by directly
linked high performance storage and
compute at a local level, for mission critical
real time or highly sensitive applications.
Being able to efficiently migrate and
repatriate data is going to be a key feature
of cloud capability as organisations review
the splits between where applications and
data are most advantageously hosted from
both a legal and operational perspective.
Returning data to centralised pools in
each legislative region is likely to become
more common. This will increasingly be IT and culture must change to support
that GDPR implementation is imminent,
and for some organisations the initial
cost of compliance will be substantial. It
fundamentally requires companies to be
good data stewards. That means knowing
and showing where personal data is, where
it is not and demonstrating fine grained data
control from ingestion to deletion.
Data stewardship must become a
core competency in 2018
Becoming an exemplary data steward or
responding effectively to security incidents,
is near impossible with systems that take
days to back-up, index or restore data. To
get to the stage where this level of control
and safeguarding is possible we are going
to see significant investment during 2018
in faster networks, search and indexing.
Tools and platforms to improve the
visibility, manageability and performance
of data pipelines in general will also see
substantial investment.
That said, organisations that rely on
technology alone for GDPR compliance will
struggle. There will also be significant cultural
and procedural changes needed to achieve