is, ‘how do we invest and modernise with an understanding of our
existing infrastructure?’
So many businesses want Blockchain, IoT or AI – they want to
prepare for what lies ahead, to ensure that their infrastructure and
organisations are future proof and ready. There is a lot of hype
around Digital Transformation but there is a catch – the organisation
needs to understand what they are buying and what they are buying
it for. First, solve the mystery that surrounds your existing technology
investment, then invest.
Companies should be identifying the challenges and the loopholes
rather than following where the next hype cycle will take them.
It is a significant shift in thinking as most are thinking that if their
competitor releases X, then they need to release it as well. Things
move so quickly that few take time to observe. Everyone is too scared
to be left behind. But it is far better to be late than to be early and
waste money. It isn’t cheap following the hype and usually, solutions
follow on at a lower price point and allow for those who waited to do
so much more. Rather focus on what you need, monitor your return
on investment, and consistently use testing and questioning to ask
how these solutions are going to deliver.
Digital Transformation has disrupted more than just the speed
of decision-making but also those who make the decisions. The
investment in and testing of new technologies and solutions has
moved out from being solely the remit of IT and into the business.
The line of business wants to own the digital shift; the CEO and the
CFO are driving their own onboarding and agendas and the calls for
testing solutions are coming from the business and not IT.
This trend is driven primarily by two needs – visibility and control.
They want to keep the projects closer to where the budget is
seated and they want fresh approaches to testing models for AI,
IoT, Machine Learning and Robotics. We have found that this has
really changed the dialogue in the industry, and it has informed our
customer approach significantly. We deliver the dashboards, visibility,
and the tools that the decision makers need to frame their Digital
Transformation investment. n