Cquential implemented its Warehouse
Management System (WMS) to replace the
old manual system. The WMS covers the full
range of warehouse functions within the
new Sensory FX facility as well as integration
into Sage Pastel. These include: receiving;
batch registration; quality-controlled release
of approved raw materials; manufacturing;
put away to identified warehouses; stock
takes; replenishments from raw materials
to work-in-progress area; planning and
release of manufacturing batch cards;
picking; completion for manufacturing
instructions according to the bill of
materials; quality-control sampling
approval; checking and despatch.
Business benefits
The Cquential WMS has played a key role
in helping Sensory FX exploit the potential
of its warehouse facility. Some of the key
benefits delivered by Cquential include:
• Full visibility and traceability of processes
and stock across the entire life cycle from
receiving up to despatch
• Overall better planning, manufacturing,
measurement and management of the
whole warehousing life cycle
• Increased productivity levels
• No limitations around operations size
• Customisation capabilities to make
incremental improvements
“Cquential’s warehouse system has
helped us improve our manufacturing and
warehousing processes greatly,” added
Francois Strydom, Operations Director of
Sensory FX. “In particular, we have reduced
our stock losses by 12% over the past
seven years. Increased efficiency not only
means reduced costs but greater accuracy
in compiling orders, and thus much better
service to our customers.”
Cquential continues to provide hosting and
support for the WMS, along with consulting
help for new projects. One of the current
projects involves automating the Certificate
of Analysis that has to be completed for
each batch of product.
The team is currently also investigating
better ways to provide recommendations,
solutions and improvements to the WMS
as the SENSORY FX team identifies new
requirements and refinements. n
Epicor releases findings
of global survey into
business growth in the
manufacturing sector
Software provider Epicor unveils the results of 2019
Global Growth Index.
anufacturing business growth has
continued to rise over the past
year, but at a much slower rate
than the previous 12 months.
Despite challenging market conditions and
the difficulty in recruiting and retaining
skilled staff, there has been a marginal one
percent rise in the number of businesses
reporting growth. These findings are survey
results unveiled today from the annual
Global Growth Index by Epicor Software
Corporation, a global provider of industry-
specific enterprise software to promote
business growth.
For those companies who have
experienced growth, maintaining it hasn’t
been easy over the past year. A total of
42% admit it has been challenging, while
a fifth (22%) have found it stressful. 40%
of businesses cite market conditions as
having a negative impact on growth, and
23% feel that staff skills and experience
have also played a detrimental part in
maintaining growth. Political volatility and
uncertainty also continue to be a common
cause for concern across the globe.
“The manufacturing industry plays an
integral role in our global economy and
people forget that it is responsible for
delivering important products we use every
day,” said Epicor CEO, Steve Murphy.
“As such, the health of the manufacturing
industry is something we should all be
concerned about. While it’s good news
to see that growth in this industry is still
taking place, we need to keep a close eye
on what factors are contributing to this
growth and what factors are causing a
lag. The information in the Global Growth
Index empowers businesses so they can
make strategic plans that will best position
them for the future.”
Steve Murphy, CEO at Epicor Software Corp
Now in its third year, the Epicor Global
Growth Index is designed to measure the
state of worldwide business growth within
the manufacturing industry. The Index
tracks the performance of businesses – year
on year – within 13 territories across a
number of key indicators, including turnover,
profits, headcount and product range.
Compared to last year’s results, the Growth
Index rose by 1%. This is down from the
3.7% in the previous 12-month period.
Reid Paquin, Research Director, IDC, said:
“Investing in the right technology, such
as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
solutions, can help businesses better
plan for change by improving visibility
and insights into current operational
workflows. This can help alleviate stress
and enable people to deal with challenges
more effectively, by providing the
flexibility, agility and adaptability needed
to respond to market conditions and
customer demands. Technology can also
have a positive influence on other factors
including work ethic and staff recruitment
and retention.” n