Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 48 | Page 23

Automated remediation
The process of quickly and effectively restoring systems without specialised resources , significantly reducing mean-time-to-response .
Best practices for automated remediation
Customise automated actions : Through an intuitive dashboard UI , quickly change and apply automated remediation actions to suit your specific endpoint deployment .
Many MSPs live in a world of reactive fire drills that limits their ability to grow as a business . With automated remediation those organisations can move away from the ‘ break fix ’ model toward greater opportunity .
Isolate endpoints : When an endpoint is compromised , you need to stop the bleeding by isolating the endpoint at the appropriate level .
Remediate infections completely : Typical infections leave behind more than 100 artifacts , a linking engine detects and remediates all dynamic and related artifacts .
Implement 72-hour ransomware rollback : Ransomware rollback technology allows organisations to wind back the clock and rapidly get back to a healthy state . p
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