Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 80 | Page 61

INTELLIGENT BRANDS // Green Technology

Victoria Falls Carbon Registry created in Zimbabwe in partnership with Carbon Trade Exchange

Agreements have been signed to initiate and install a regional , pan African carbon registry owned and operated in Zimbabwe plus a locally operated , owned , and branded version of the world ’ s first and global Voluntary Carbon platform , Carbon Trade Exchange , CTX .

The Victoria Falls Carbon Registry , VFCR will support the migration of Zimbabwe and other African nations projects and Carbon Credits back to Africa to be re-issued under their control . African Nations wishing to participate will be offered a National Sub-license and Registry Administration role within the VFCR , to support , lodge , monitor and manage projects and credit issuance in their nation .
This low-cost solution negates the need for separate National Registries . Project types , methodologies and registry fees will be at the discretion of the VFCR , and they expect support from existing carbon credit standards internationally . The Registry will be operational in August 2023 and will start accepting projects , new or migrating as soon as staff are trained to do so . Global Environmental Markets Group , will deliver the technology with training in August .
CTX and GEM CEO Wayne Sharpe with Victoria Falls Carbon Registry CEO Benjamin Chimutengo .
VFCX registry account holders can list via VFCX at no costs to list . A 5 % fee on sale of credits , no transfer or Retirement fees .
The Victoria Falls Carbon Exchange , VFCX will have immediate access via CTX to hundreds of projects worldwide for buyers globally , millions of credits listed across worldwide for T + 0 clearance and settlement . Plus new credits issued by VFCR Registry listed on the VFCX , CTX globally instantly at the price the seller determines from that new registry .
The AVCCM event attracted a large global audience across the carbon market , plus Government , banking , and project developers , supporting Zimbabwean Government ’ s decision to bring the carbon credits home under the UNFCCC Paris Agreement .
“ This is the future Africa said it wanted from the Paris agreement in 2015 ,” according to Wayne Sharpe , CEO and Founder , Global Environmental Markets Group . This follows on from COP27 where GEM and CTX did multiple presentations to various African nations .
After speaking at the event , Wayne added , “ We saw the passion and commitments to Carbon Credits in Zimbabwe and Africa . This is why we built this technology , to deliver financial and ecological benefits to nations on the ground !”
Kwanele Hlabangana , Chairperson and Co-Founder of AVCCM said , “ Partnering with experienced world class Carbon Market technology vendors like GEM and CTX is exciting . Responses from projects , communities and governments is outstanding . It is a great opportunity to accelerate Africa into the Global Climate to save our planet .” Ground up approach plus community engagement combined with GEM ’ s proven world class Registry and Exchange technology ticks the boxes for a trusted , credible , transparent , and vibrant African marketplace . p
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