Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 80 | Page 62

INTELLIGENT BRANDS // Mobile Technology

Global mobile marketing solution TrustPid , Africa based Adrenaline use telecom UID approach

Four major European telecom giants are collaborating on an advertising ID system called TrustPid . This is a privacy-led identification solution that promotes the use of mobile numbers as unique identifiers , to support digital marketing activities of publishers and brands . This is in light of imminent extinction of third party cookies .

TrustPid a cross-operator platform for data protection-compliant digital marketing , has been born out of the desire to drive privacycompliant personalised advertising without cookies and diversify the revenue stream of the four European telcos : Telefónica , Orange , Vodafone , and Deutsche Telekom .
In 2015 , when Africa based Terragon , launched Adrenaline , the idea was clear , to provide a simple but robust platform that bridges advertising demand , businesses and data supply , publishers and telco to enable targeted messaging to consumers both online and offline .
Adrenaline is a double-sided platform which offers advertisers , businesses access to run targeted messages to mobile subscribers via offline telco-native channels , such as end of call notification , flash message , USSD and online ad exchanges , display ads via browsers and in-app notifications on one hand .
Both Adrenaline and TrustPid share a common approach to UID , unique identifiers , utilising telco networks as a major source of consumer data . According to Terragon ’ s CTO and Co-founder , Ayodeji Balogun , by leveraging telco-data , Adrenaline empowers advertisers with near real-time customer insights needed to deliver more relevant , targeted , and effective advertising campaigns , and make effective business decisions .
Terragon ’ s Adrenaline platform is then able to process the data the Adrenaline platform is able to access in a privacy compliant environment to enable data monetisation for telcos , accurate reach for publishers and measurement for advertisers . All of this is powered in a strict privacy complaint framework .
The AI-powered analytics enables businesses to deliver personalised and relevant messaging to targeted audiences . This means that a business using Adrenaline would not waste marketing dollars promoting mobile app usage to a feature phone user , for instance .
Telcos have emerged as exceptionally dependable data sources in today ’ s world where customers generate multiple data
Ayodeji Balogun , CTO and Co-founder , Terragon
traces . Telco data serves as a valuable resource that empowers advertisers with precise insights and targeting capabilities , enabling them to optimise their campaigns and achieve higher levels of effectiveness .
The proliferation of mobile usage in Africa has experienced substantial expansion over the years . With a mobile penetration rate exceeding 50 % and customers dedicating more than 4 hours each day to their mobile phones , the significance of identifying consumers with their mobile phone numbers , and interacting with them through mobile channels becomes apparent . This according to the Terragon CTO is a major feature of Adrenaline .
Mobile phone numbers serve as crucial identifiers that connect individuals to their mobile devices . As consumers engage in various activities on these devices , native cloud software possesses the capability to uniquely recognise them through their phone numbers . Customer data platform , which is situated within different businesses , uses mobile phone numbers as key identifiers to centralise and manage customer information . p
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