The goal of Internal Developer
Platform is to behave as an internal shopfront of best practices , patterns , tooling that an organisation can expose to its teams explains
Jonathan Sidney at Synthesis . highly specialised teams . For example , there would be a team that only did database administration , a team that only built user interfaces , and so on . This meant that engineers could specialise their skills in specific sub-domains and specialties . Silos and hand-offs were created that delayed the delivery of working software as well as introduced various bugs and errors because of these hand-offs and poor communications .
For many large organisations , in particular those in highly regulated industries such as finance , it often feels like developing and releasing new software and applications is harder and more complicated than it ever has been . However , at the same time , the industry is being flooded with new tools , technologies , and processes that aim to speed up the delivery of new applications and make your organisation more secure , costeffective , and adaptable .
On one hand , the ecosystem has all the resources to enable quicker and more effective software development and delivery . Yet , on the other hand , thousands of software and IT professionals are struggling to get any valuable work done . What is clearly obvious is that there are some fundamental changes that are required to move forward in this industry .
It was precisely these issues that the DevOps revolution hoped to address when it introduced the concept of a team owning the end-to-end solution , from development all the way through to deployment and operation of a single system . If all the subdomains in an organisation were represented in a singular team focused on a specific value stream , then software could be built and maintained far more effectively .
Nevertheless , as cloud technology has become more ubiquitous and concepts such as Infrastructure as Code , became industry standard practice , some holes in the DevOps methodologies have been uncovered . Even though teams should be comprised of people with different specialties that can cover all the various areas of the Software Development Life Cycle , SDLC practice teams usually lack the skills to successfully cover all the various requirements .
Prior to the explosion of the popularity of cloud computing , agile methodologies , and DevOps , software projects were delivered through several
At a very high level , this situation has led to several damaging situations within teams that are illustrated as below .
Adopting Internal Developer Platform can help African coders and developers
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