Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 81 | Page 35

Cognitive load
Cognitive load can be thought of as the amount of knowledge that a human brain , and by extension a team of people , is managing at a given point . In the case of developing and implementing software , this cognitive load will include topics such as how to implement a good user interface and how to design an appropriate database schema .
However , since teams are now expected to own the entire SDLC , they must also know how to implement new things such as deployment pipelines , network security , data encryption , cloud infrastructure development , logging , monitoring , and more .
The result of this is teams that cannot manage all the tasks that they are expected to accomplish . Delivery , therefore , slows to a virtual crawl as teams struggle to learn and deliver on these diverse requirements that are so new and foreign to them .
Inter-team communication
Since teams are finding it impossible to manage the cognitive load being placed on them , they are
Jonathan Sidney , Cloud Platform Lead at Synthesis
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