Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 93 | Page 72

Retro Rabbit ’ s unique approach in the conceptualisation of projects by starting with the enduser experience in mind . This means our teams never lose sight of the fact that instant gratification is the key to digital engagement and aspirations in the digital age amount to nothing unless that is an outcome .
Which generic technologies and innovations can make a difference to your end customers business ?
Clients know their businesses best , but often lack the ability to challenge their thinking by considering foreign technologies to help them achieve their objectives . This is exasperated by the rapid rate of change and innovation in the technology field where Artificial Intelligence , Robotic Process Engineering and Big Data even further complicates the prioritisation of the digital agenda .
Retro Rabbit ’ s approach to this is to embrace innovation and advances to the extent that it should not disrupt but rather enhance the current technology landscape . Clients have made significant investments in their enabling technologies in the past and expecting them to just abandon that investment is often impossible .
Retro Rabbit breathes new life into these legacy systems by augmenting their capabilities and modernising their technology to not only meet current client demands but also those of the future . agnostic and prefer partnering with companies who advise clients on the desired future state of their technology stack rather than a specific technology . The combination of them providing this valuable insight with Retro Rabbit ’ s ability to design and develop custommade software in a low-risk high yield fashion makes this partnership difficult to beat .
Which non-competitive business in the region do you admire for innovative usage of technology ?
Tian is a true technologist at heart and believes that technology has a large role to play in the education of the masses and broader social upliftment , most notably in Africa . He admires the companies who are relentlessly working towards bringing technology and the benefits of having access to much needed information to communities .
People often take access to these modern technologies for granted , forgetting how much easier life is due to them . Tian believes that offering a child the ability to live their digital dreams and obtain knowledge and know-how from the comfort and safety of their own home is precious and should be paramount to a birthright in his opinion .
Which aspects of your job role do you find rewarding and which challenging ?
Image for illustration only
How can a channel partner in your industry disrupt the regional market and gain a leading competitive position ?
Retro Rabbit ’ s approach to channel partnering is a bit different to the conventional in that we are technology
The ability to have a direct impact on the wellbeing of all stakeholders in a business engagement is what Tian always strive for . The value-value outcome and the satisfaction of a job well done when everyone has enjoyed mutual benefit from the engagement is what gets Tian up in the morning . Unfortunately , we do not live in Utopia and disappointments are abundant if you are unguarded .
Whilst Tian aims to always see the silver lining in the clouds the impact of generational evolution , Gen X , Y and Z is proving a challenge as companies struggle to align by adopting the evolving demands of their workforce . Retro Rabbit addresses this challenge by providing a working environment that offers work-life balance and the ability to move across many different technologies whilst gaining real-life experience all the way .
How do you best like to de-stress and re-charge off work ?
Tian is an avid golfer and enjoys spending time with his family who are also lovers of the game . In addition to sport , he also loves travelling and opening a bottle of red wine . p
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